Saturday 27 November 2010

Environment Concept Art

I created this for a college assignment in concept art, were i had to create one rendered character and one rendered enviroment and i decided to go with a western / steampunk style and for the enviroment i created a fort. (this is my first attempt at rendered concept art).

Hand drawn then i used Photoshop CS3.

Character Concept Art

I created this for a college assignment in concept art, were i had to create one rendered character and one rendered enviroment and i decided to go with a western / steampunk style and for the character i designed a male character. (this is my first attempt at rendered concept art).

Hand drawn then i used Photoshop CS3.

Youtube & Deviantart Profile

My deviantart profile

My youtube profile

England Poster

I created this in my spare time, I just thought i'd be a bit patriotic so i based it on England. This didn't take long but i hope everyone likes it.

I used Photoshop CS3.

Monday 22 November 2010

Anti Knife Crime Poster

I made this poster in college for a live brief with nottingham police, this is not my best work but the class's were told not to design posters similar to existing knife crime posters, even though the design that won was very similar to almost every peice of knife crime advertisement.

My poster is a bit contridicting i know with the message "respect life, you only have 1" and a pacman sign with x3.

I used Photoshop CS3.